Well I had Kelly and Maria over last night.  I picked them up along with Dominic and Matt.  We went to the 4:30 mass at Most Holy Trinity.  Matt and Dominic stayed for the Middle School youth group and the girls and I went to McDonald's.  Brenda picked up the boys after the meeting.

After McDonald's we went to WalMart to get some snacks and items for breakfast.  It was so cute watching Kelly and Maria holding hands and being so excited about spending the night at "Aunt Lisa's".  I asked them if they wanted to buy Valentine's Cookies and both of them wanted them for their family.  I thought that was so sweet so we bought them for their families.  We rented the movie, Nanny McPhee Returns. 

Kelly asked us if we would like to pray the Rosary because in school she had seen the cartoon version of
Bernadette.  She said that after seeing the movie she wants to pray the Rosary everyday.  We prayed a decade (that was enough for Maria) and then watched half of the first Bernadette movie made in 1943 staring Jennifer Jones. On a side note she won the academy award for her role.  I doubt Hollywood would give anyone an award for playing such a part today.    Kelly also said she wants to be a nun.  But she also wants to get married and be a mom as well.  I told her that God would show her which vocation he has for her.   Maria on the other hand wants to be a mom!

They had so much fun this morning looking through one of my closets and finding treasures. Like a lot of my old diaries.  I started keeping a diary when I was 10 and faithfully wrote in them until the end of my senior year.  After that I kept journals but not as faithfully. I also have a trunk that has a lot of religious items such as Holy cards of the Saints and they each took some home with them. On a side note see the lovely green shag carpet?  That is from the early 70's.  Maybe someday we'll modernize the upstairs a little bit.

We ended the sleepover with meeting Brenda at Taco Bell for lunch.  Oh one more thing a poem that Maria wrote witht the help of her mother:

Maria is a Rose.

Has a cute little nose.

She likes to paint.

And wants to be a saint.

Of course only God knows.


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