THE 2008 4-H FAIR
Last week was the 4-H fair and Linda and Chucks' children had several entries. I will tell you the high lights starting with Catherine the oldest. She earned two Rosetts! She got one for her creative writing project (you see above what the judge said) and one for the band she is in. She got a blue ribbon on the blouse she made.
Jimmy got a blue ribbon on his vegetables, herbs. On his surprise carrot cake he not only earned a blue ribbon but he got an honor's ribbon.
Anna got a blue ribbon on her wood project and an honor's ribbon. A Blue ribbon on her apple pie and a blue ribbon on her outfit she made. She also recieved a silver plater for be the best model in her age group (she modeled her outfit). Matt go a blue ribbon on his wood project and
Jimmy got a blue ribbon on his vegetables, herbs. On his surprise carrot cake he not only earned a blue ribbon but he got an honor's ribbon.
Anna got a blue ribbon on her wood project and an honor's ribbon. A Blue ribbon on her apple pie and a blue ribbon on her outfit she made. She also recieved a silver plater for be the best model in her age group (she modeled her outfit). Matt go a blue ribbon on his wood project and
his baked good. I was proud of them all!
On the last day they had game for all the kids and one of them was the "fear factor" that's why
you may see some horrified faces!
It is my Picas 2 is the program I use for my pictures and it allows me to create collages.....which is a great way to show alot of pictures....I still plan on adding your teen sight to my sight......