saddens me to see young girls and boys robbed of their innocence at such a young age! Young girls showing their cleavage or wearing short shorts! Now mind you I don't like any women dressing this way! It's like they are saying; "LOOK AT ME"!
I feel sorry for our boys and men of all ages that are constantly put in a position of having to be
tempted by the such lack of modestly. Why does anyone want guys looking at their parts?
Here is an article on some books for young girls.
Modern and Modest Girls Rock!
Posted By Donna Marie Cooper O'Boyle On August 12, 2009 @ 12:01 am In Touched By Grace 3 Comments
Author and syndicated Catholic talk show host, Teresa Tomeo, teamed up with Molly Miller, and Monica Cops, putting their heads and hearts together to come up with a breath of fresh air for today’s young girls.
Their series, [1] All Things Girl, published by Bezalel Books includes 6 titles, two of which are: [2] Girls Rock! and [2] Modern and Modest . The series speaks about the dignity at the heart of every girl created in the image and likeness of God and does it in a very fun and appealing way. The books are generous in size and filled with colorful and attractive designs to capture a young girl’s attention.
Modern and Modest is a delightful and eye-catching 59 pages and is just the book we’d love to see in every young girl’s hands. The authors cover every relevant subject for girls from being a Godly girl and turning away from the media’s portrayal of the culture’s expectations and enticements and turning toward Jesus and the Church instead, to fashion and fabrics and what modesty really means, how to be modern and modest at the same time, as well as an overview of virtues and how they apply to living as a girl in our world today. Pope John Paul II’s Theology of the Body and Feminine Genius teachings are woven through in an uncomplicated understandable way. All topics discussed in Modern and Modest illustrate to girls that they can be very modern and cool yet pleasing to God in their modesty which is consistently explained in a simple yet contemporary manner.
In addition to suggesting ways to come up with a “family media plan” regarding the computer use, TV and movie viewing, this book encourages girls to look up to parents in topics such as “Daddy’s Little Girl” and “Look to Mom.” Amusing personality quizzes are sprinkled throughout the book. As well, make up and fragrance discussions, goals to achieve, and prayers to be included in a plan for life are all blended together in a delightful mix which is just right for our young growing girls. A story about St. Maria Goretti ends the book on a note to enhance the book’s message of purity and dignity.
Girls Rock! is another very charming book for young girls by the same trio of women authors. Tastefully written, Girls Rock! covers many pertinent topics of interest to today’s young girls in 52 pretty pages. This book, like the other, weaves Church teachings with practical tips for everyday life; giving girls the tools to navigate life in the twenty first century. Subjects are discussed in a very appealing manner. Feminism is compared to femininity, there are brief biographies of some great women throughout history, as well as a selection of Catholic woman today including Mother Angelica, Blessed Teresa of Calcutta, and Dorothy Day.
Girls Rock! explains the various vocations available to women. Positive goals are discussed to help girls persevere each day amid the messages contrary to the faith from the media. Fun games and quizzes and crafts are sprinkled throughout the book. One suggested project idea is to make a time capsule. Another is to start a family tree.
Girls can learn how to examine their consciences by turning to page 45. Some questions for girls to ask themselves when examining their conscience are suggested, such as: “Am I lazy? Do I finish what I started? Am I quitter? Do I give myself generously to others? Do I pray to God for light to see my vocation clearly? Do I use the traits of my personality to make a difference in my family, school and the parish?” Their virtues are also affirmed and the girls are encouraged to see the good things that they accomplished as pleasing to God.
Having a plan for prayer is impressed to the girls with explanations of the Morning Offering, Daily Prayers, The Rosary, and A Night Examination of Conscience. Girls Rock! ends with “A Girl Like Me which is a biography of St. Gianna Beretta Molla.
Modern and Modest and Girls Rock! could not have come at a better time for today’s girls who are bombarded by an onslaught of confusing messages from the culture and their peers. It’s a good idea to get these books into the hands of all young girls when they are open and interested. The All Things Girl series places the building blocks of prayer and virtue all throughout the pages of these lovely books to aid our young girls during their formative and impressionable years. They teach them the importance of protecting their God-given natural beauty — their souls, as well as their bodies — temples of the Holy Spirit, while encouraging them to turn to God in all things. These books are sure to help ensure today’s girls a promising and grace-filled tomorrow.
To learn more about the books, visit [3]