Why the Sily Glasses?
These are pictures of my 7th grade religion class(my niece Katie is the second one in the back of the person in the front row)..........why the sun glasses you ask? I showed
Mary Beth Bonacci's video called "Freedom to Dump Loosers". She demonstrates in the video
that when one has sex a hormone called oxytocin is released which builds a bond. This is wonderful and good in marriage but very dangerous when one is not married because it blinds us.........it "blurs ones vision". The girls love this experiment you see I put vasoline on the glasses so their vision it truly blurred! I also make them put a piece of duct tape on their arm and when they rip it off it hurts! This represents their heart.........how damaged it gets when they have sex and break up.........and just like the tape after it's ripped off
(a heart is ripped apart) it is harder to bond with another. A few good books to read on this subject are, "the thrill of the chaste" by dawn eden and "Unprotected" by Anonymous M.D.
She was afraid to reveal her identity but has sense come out......she is a Campus Psychiatrist who is at UCLA and was afraid to reveal herself because of political correctness. She is saying that because of PC in her profession every student is endangered. She talks about the "hook up"
generation and the truth about Aides.....it's NOT a heterosexual disease. And the lies about Abortion and and much more. Our young people are being lied to by the very people who
should be caring about them!
My heart goes out to this generation. They are constantly being lied to. One would think sex is the answer to everything! But it is only God who truly is the answer. How have we gone so wrong just since the 1960's (I hate the 60's!) The sexual revolution has only hurt women. We have become like men............I tell my girls that they can either be an Eve and lead others to SIN or they can be a Mary and lead others to JESUS. It is only in Jesus that one finds true peace. As St. Augustine said: "Our hearts are restless until they rest in you oh Lord". We all have a choice, to live for ourselves or surrender and live for the Lord. What is your choice?
idea! Did you get to see what they wrote?