Our Holy Father is here! Wow he's been treated like a Rock Star! I've been watching the coverage on the Fox Channel and they have been very upbeat and respectful. We are blessed to have another amazing pope but I still mist John Paul II. I loved that man and I ask him for his prayers now. Their is much hope for the Church because our new priests in the seminary are JOHN PAUL II priests. They love the church and her teachings. I just read an article in Our Sunday Visitor about how the religious orders for both men and women are NOT faithful to the Magestirium are dying out. It is only the orders that are faithful to Christ and His Holy Catholic Church that are growing. WHY? Because these young people have encountered the living Jesus Christ and the living church. Who wants to give their life to something that is just wishy washy? All the apostles except John were killed for their faith. They too except John were cowards until they were enpowerd by the Holy Spirit!
I'm currently reading the Pope's new encyclical on Hope. It's a hard read but very good. We live a world right now where the media is so negative...........if it bleeds it leads. We are constantly told how bad everything is BUT wait there is HOPE. Hope does not come from politics....Obama does know the first thing about HOPE if he can kill the least among us. Hope is having a relationship with the living Jesus Christ! Hope is knowing where we going (for believers that means eternity with the Father, Son and Holy Spirit) and that we are only on a journey and some days that journey is filled with allot of pain and heartache. Others days it's filled with joy.........but NO joy on this earth is lasting except the joy that comes from knowing our Lord and Saviour Jesus Crist. John Paul II said "BE NOT AFRAID" and this Pope brings us a message of HOPE.
The media is sinful it's constant complaining! We as Americans are a privileged nation, but a nation that has to get back to it's Christian roots. Salvation does not come in the next elected president. The new liberal Christians have put too much of their hope in politicians and expect the government to solve poverty and the worlds problems. It's not going to happen! Only Jesus Christ can bring true freedom and redemption. Social Justice is a good thing but not when it becomes ones Religion. I don't know how a class of people can say they are for Social Justice but look the other way at a Nation who kills one in three of it's babies in the womb, and 1/3 of these babies are from black women who are only 17% of the whole American population...where is the Social Justice in this. Where is there social justice in accepting young girls bringing babies into the world without fathers? No I don't want them to abort their babies BUT we don't speak out about it enough, instead we preach condoms and when they fail encourage abortions, what about the rise of Sexually transmitted diseases...where is the social justice in this?
God have mercy on a wonderful nation who have misplaced their hope in the wrong people and things............only Jesus my friends can bring true inner joy and hope.


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