Easter Grace

Well I have not blogged since Sunday..........Mercy Sunday I might add. I can really feel the grace of our Lord! It's so wonderful to know Jesus and to love His Church. I long to go to heaven and see all those who have gone before us. We can so easily get bogged down in this world with all it's concerns. I prefer to listen to conservative talk shows instead of watching the liberal news but sometimes that bogs we down and I can feel like the world is falling apart. How are we going to have money to support all the entitlement programs such as Social Security ect? But you know the world has always been a mess! I do think we need good people in government to fight these issues but I'm not one of them. I can educate myself and vote responsibly and keep my eyes fixed on Jesus. The apostles must have though it was the end of the world when Jesus was crucified. They had not yet been filled with the power of the Holy Spirit. They actually hid and were afraid. The Lord is always with us but often we are afraid and would like to hide from life as well. I know I've had those times in my life and I don't think it's uncommon. But now we are in the Easter Season and then comes Pentecost! I'm just really experiencing our Lord and His grace. There is a situation that I have been praying about for 15 months and the needed outcome is still no where in sight. BUT our Lord is in control and I trust Him. When I begin to panic and worry about it then I'm reminded to give it back to Him.
God is faithful! He can be trusted. Saint Theresa of Lisieux always called God, "The Good God".
She suffered much but she allowed the suffering to transform and unite her more closely to Jesus. God Bless you!


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