Here are some pictures from the abstinence conference I attended. It was put on by the Michigan Abstinence Program by the State of Michigan. They opened it up to non coordinator's and that is how I was able to attend by paying for the conference myself. To begin with the resort is very nice. I had just a basic room and look how nice it was. The food was just as good!

The first presenter was Dr.Jane Bluestein (you see my pictured with her). She was excellent and focused on improving ways to connect with kids and building relationships which encourage, commitment, cooperation, accountability and constructive decision making skills. It was very interesting ! She was so upbeat and positive! She said our current education system is so out dated because it does not take into consideration children who learn differently. There are children that need to move when they are learning. We all know that these very kids are punished and stigmatized just because they don't fit the current system. Check out her web sight which is connected to her name above.
The second presenter was the founder of Just Say Yes, Dan Bailey. He was excellent as well! He's from Texas so he has an accent. There mission is to educate, motivate and equip students, parents and teachers through resources that focus on risk avoidance and character-centric life choices for youth. When we talk about risk behaviour it's not only premarital sex, but drugs and drinking and smoking. When they start doing these things they are more likely to engage in premarital sex. The biggest thing parents need to realize that premarital sex is a Health and Safety issue. We have 23-30 sexually transmitted diseases out there. When young girls engage in sex they have increased depression and suicide because they can not handle emotionally this kind of behaviour. I could go on and on and I will write more....but parents due your homework and I strongly recommend this video: The Rules Have Changed For any parent who truly becomes educated I don't know how they can possibly think using a condom and putting their daughters on Birth Control is going to help. Please parents do your homework it's worse than you can imagine out there.


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