Well my last sleep over! We had 36 middle school girls. They all had allot of fun, several told me that we needed to do it again next year. She asked if I could pull a few strings. Well the only strings to pull is to arrange it all :) We started out with a couple of games then had pizza, pop and snacks. Rachel a 21 year old friend of mine from Fowler shared her story of following Jesus and living a chaste life and how that goes against the grain of our society. She encouraged them not to date at such a young age. I shared with them about what I learned at the abstinence conference I attended, such as the emotional damage with premarital sex, the 25 plus STD's and the sterility that comes with HPV ect ect! As a society we worry about them getting fat, smoking and doing drugs but when it comes to sex we say "they are going to do it anyway so let's make it safe!" There is no such thing as safe sex! Condoms can't even protect from all the diseases out there and young teens don't use them anyway and even if they do there is as much as a 30% failure rate. Would you let you kids get on a plane knowing %30 of them will crash? I think the real problems is the fact that allot of adults are not disciplined in this area so they don't think there kids can be. Maybe I'm wrong? But that is what I suspect!

Then I had the girls go into the Church and sit before Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament and write a letter to themselves about their hopes dreams and goals for the next five years. I will then send this letter to them in five years. Then they could basically do what they want within reason. Some of them put on a style show, they actually had a runway. Some of them fell a sleep watching "A Walk to Remember" which ended around 3am. I think the last hold outs finally feel a sleep around 5:3o am..............It was a long night and I'm still making up my sleep but it's worth it!


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