OK this is the picture that finally convinced me that I need to go back to Weight Watchers! I am a life long member and I know it works if you follow the plan. This was taken on Memorial Day but I purposely left this picture out of the collage:) The last time I rejoined WW it was also a picture that convinced me that I could no longer lie to myself! It's amazing how we can deceive ourselves in all areas of our lives..........now if I was a Hollywood star they could put my head on a different body...........but only one problem my face looks fat to so I would need a doubler for the whole me! The older I get the harder it is to keep my weight in check. I was under 100 pounds when I graduated from High School 31 years ago! So tomorrow I'm going back to WW and I'm excited about it...........it's long over do! When you are short like me (4'11 1/2" there is no where for extra weight to go................I need to be held accountable. I will be 50 in November and I don't want to be a frumpy 50...........besides I'm going to Rome to celebrate my 50th birthday......more on that later..............so I'm sharing my journey with you! I'm coming out into the LIGHT.