I had a request from my cousin Mary to tell some stories about my mom during her last days because allot of neat things happened. Now just remember I am not good at the English language, as far as my writing skills go just read and don't look at my sentence structure! One of the first things I remember is during her radiation treatment: I was taking care of my little niece Jennifer and she would go with us to Lansing every day for six weeks during my mom's treatment. Well we were driving home during one of my mom's treatments and we just parked in Kroger's to pick up a few things. She said if I tell you something you won't think I'm crazy?
She proceeded to tell me that when she was in the radiation room (no one else is present) she was praying, "Lord I know you are the ultimate healer but I know this can help" and she felt a hand touch her shoulder. She knew it was the Lord and couldn't imagine WHY He would touch
her! She said: "Who am I? I am not worthy!" That was my mom! I use to say to her, "you are such a good lady" and she would say: "no I'm only ordinary". And it happened a second time!
Heaven is made up of simple souls like my mom who were faithful to our Lord! What do I mean by simple souls? People who just trusted God! My mom had such a strong faith in God and never questioned him! She even said to me; " I never asked God "Why me" but my attitude was why not me." For those who didn't know my mom she died of a brain tumor in 1990.
My mom wore allot of medals on a pin. While in the hospital again her medals disappeared! We had no idea what happened to them and she was upset. Well the next morning she work up and the were pinned to her hospital gown. Which saint did that? When she would receive our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament she would concentrate so hard that one time she walked right past her pew! She knew and hoped that our Lord would heal her.............but it just was not his will! My mom had so much faith but He just wanted to take her home! On another occasion she said: "there is that pest!" and we asked "who", she replied; "St. Joesph". We asked her what he wanted and she replied; "that Mary is praying for us". For those of you you didn't realize this St.Joseph is the patron Saint of the dying.
I also remember the time my mom said she was being attacked by the evil one. She was so upset and asked us to call her cousins. On a side note my mom's cousins, Julia, Agnes ,Theresa and Helen were our prayer warriors! Anytime we needed prayer we called them and they came weekly to visit my mom and pray. Back to the story we called them that day and they came over and prayed with my mom and did spiritual warfare and she was OK.
I have a few more stories but I'll save them....................God is good! He wanted my mom in heaven! She would have so loved her grand children but she sees them from heaven and hopefully they will all follow our Lord and get to meet her in heaven with my dad at her side!