Take a good look at the two tomato plants above. Can you believe that these plants were bought at the same time by Charlie? He gave one to my sister Brenda and she decided to put it in a pot, Charlie on the other hand planted you tell me who has the green thumb? Charlie's anxious to see what her Christmas tree will look like..........oh that's right she has a fake one does anyone wonder why?
How did I get the girls? Well Charlie and I went to the 10:30 mass and Maria spotted us and came to sit by us. Then before mass ended she went to speak to her mom and then came back to inform me that her mom said she could go with Aunt Lisa:) We went to Taco Bell for lunch and met Brenda and her bunch and of course Kelly wanted to come to Aunt Lisa's as well. They had fun! I appreciate them posing in front to the plants........notice however they did not stand in front of Brenda's plant (because you would have not been able to see it!) You know we love you Brenda!


Anonymous said…
very funny!!! Tell Charlie that he doesn't have to buy my plant next year, I will just let him share his bounty with me
Anonymous said…
PS, Thank you Charlie for the 2 cherry tomatoes that you sent home with Kelly, you really shouldn't have!!!
Lisa said…
It really is funny! By the way Charlie didn't he was sleeping when Kelly proudly picked the two cherry tomato's (with out an e) for her mother:)

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