A Wonderful women passed away on Monday. I blogged a little about her on her Birthday which she shared with my Aunt Alice and my dog Abby (April 9th). Nova raised her five children in the house next to where I continue to live. She actually was a neighbor to my grandparents as well. Her oldest son graduated with my Aunt Rosie in 1968. I went to school with her daughter Lea Ann and can still remember walking to kindergarten together. She would always put Lea Ann's hair in a pony tail and Lea Ann would complain her mother was pulling her hair to tight. One of my favorite memories is of her snappy turtle cookies!....She's the only one I know who makes them. I've never seen them any where else and a couple of year's ago Lea Ann brought me some over that she and her mom had made. From what I heard today is she made the most delicious Christmas cookies and went all out to decorate them.........I don't have any memory of these..........is it possible I never had the opportunity to have one?
Nova was so loyal to her children and thought the world of them! One of Lea Ann's cherished memories is that when you confided in her it stayed with her! What a wonderful quality that is.
Don said she stressed the importance of being polite and always saying please and thank you! Sue remembers the time that her mom allowed her and 15 of her girlfriends to have a Junior skip day and Nova made them all breakfast and they hung out all day. Scott would come from DeWitt every Sunday to spend time with his mom and do her grocery shopping. Chad was very young when Harold (their father) died and Nova was always worried about him not having a father. Chad ended up marrying a very nice gal, Karla and now they have three small children and the oldest girl looks like Nova. My Uncle Dick use to say Nova was a "knock out"when she
was a teenager.
My siblings and I were all there at the funeral I wouldn't have missed it for the world. I've said this a million times but I'll say it again. I will always love and respect Nova and her family for always being so good to my mentally ill father. My dad would often go see Nova and just talk to her our borrow cigarettes from Harold (which he always paid back). We could have not had better neighbors, they all treated him with the up most respect! From what others were saying today Nova had a listening ear for everyone. What a wonderful quality that is! I know her children will so miss her as will I. But to be honest I'm so happy for her. She never stopped missing her husband! They were good to each other and had a good marriage and now they will be reunited....I'm sure he was one of the first to greet her:)