My niece Catherine (daughter of Linda and Chuck) received the sacrament of confirmation on
Monday October 20th. It was very nice and we got to meet the new Bishop. I was Catherine's sponsor but she probably knows more about the faith than I do! Her teacher told her that if the Bishop asks questions she should raise her hand to answer them! Catherine chose Saint
Giuliana Pelucchi as her confirmation name. This courageous women gave up her own life to save the life of her baby and died at age 39. An abortion was suggested but of course she did not have one. Catherine is very committed to the rights of the unborn. How appropriate that she would choose this wonderful role model as her confirmation name. After confirmation there was a very nice reception in the social hall. It was so nice to see Maureen and her daughters come to celebrate with Catherine, along with the Foust family. Aunt Brenda babysat for the 3 youngest and joined us for the reception afterwords.
I was so impressed with our new Bishop, Earl Boyea. Catherine and I were in the front row so before mass started he was right next to us in the back of church. I told him that I was so glad he's our Bishop and he asked me why. I responded, "because I've heard good things about you."
and he said; "don't believe every thing you hear." and I said, "you love Jesus" and he said, "yes but I don't like everything that he tells me to do.". His disposition is so disarming. He is someone that anyone could sit down with and have a heart to heart! He was so joyful and you should have seen the love in his eyes for the kids as he confirmed each one and looked them in the eyes! He even slapped a few of the boys like they use to do in the old days........just in a fun loving way. I so hope I run into him again some time. We are truly blessed to have him as our new Bishop and I expect good things to come!


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