I must admit I've been struggling with the "Winter Blues" and as I look out the window I see we maybe getting the storm that they predicted............oh and I was going to go to my cousin's surprise 5oth birthday party's about 45 minutes away so I don't want to go if the weather is bad. I took yesterday off just because I wanted some time at home............but what do I see...........the house really needs to be cleaned. So I cleaned the bathroom and took up all the rugs in the kitchen and did that floor and cleaned all the counters really good.........that felt good.........but I really need to tackle the upstairs again. I have already bough allot of Christmas gifts and I need to wrap them and get them out of the way.

I also need to start working on my niece Rachel's Scrap book for her graduation ..........that is so much work and it means getting pictures and organizing them and making copies of's fun once I get going but I'm so unmotivated..........I envy (is that a sin) those people who have so much energy and can get tons of things done!..........I don't know how they do it???? Lent starts this Wednesday and I have a kink to throw into it...............Charlie and I are going to an all inclusive resort in the Dominican Republic for a week.............I feel kind of guilty..........But it will be good for us. I think one of the reasons I'm so down is because of the economy and our new President. He really scares me and I think as a Nation we are going to face allot of hard times..........We have turned our back on God as a nation..............Abortion, attack on the traditional family, the crap on TV...........OK I'm getting depressed again. Lord have mercy! As Christians we know that God is in control and he cares about us. Does that mean we won't suffer? Nope.........look at the Saints and our Lord.....even in dark times we need to trust the Lord. John Paul II suffered so much and he said: "BE NOT AFRAID".

Oh My Aunt Rosie and I took out my Aunt Julia for her 87th Birthday. She is the only living sibling from my Grandpa Burns' family. She lives alone and is as sharp as a tack! I sure hope I'm like her if I live into my 80's. I'll tell you and an interesting story. Two years ago I met my friend Glorie in Michigan City Indiana and we went to the only church that had a Saturday morning mass. Guess who was there? My grandpa Burns' brother, Bonnie and his wife Helen. I think I had only met him a couple of times before but I recognized him. He invited us to his home where we had coffee and he was so excited because my grandpa had never made it to his home ( he moved into it just before my grandpa died in the early 80's.) He told me just how good my grandpa had been to him emotionally and financially. My uncle had owned a cemetery and had some very challenging times but said my grandpa always encouraged him. He even had a picture of my grandpa on his dresser. He was in frail health but my Great Aunt Julia, Aunt Rosie, Uncle Dick and I went to see him the day before he died. When He saw me he smiled. What a small world and what a gift to have reconnected after all these years.

Enjoy the snow for those of you in Michigan:)


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