Below is from my friend Debbie:

Dear friends & family,

If you haven't yet contacted the Department of Health and Human Services or the White House regarding the rescinding of the Conscience Clause, please do so today or tomorrow because tomorrow is the deadline. Go to the following website to view Cardinal George's commentary...he is the president of the USCCB (United States Conference of Catholic Bishops) and he sucinctly states the gravity of the rescission for all health care workers of conscience opposed to abortion. We will seriously lose civil rights if this recission is enacted! I tell you, this administration is doing exactly what it promised it would do in this regard & it should be frightening to all people of faith and conscience.

Please go to www.usccb.org/conscienceprotection/ to view the concise but accurate video by the cardinal. You can also go to www.freedom2care.org/ or www.whitehouse.gov/contact/.

This is very important. As we approach Holy Thursday, the deadline for people to comment on the proposed conscience clause rescision, let us remember what a prolife lawmaker once famously said, "When we get to heaven, God won't ask if we were successful, he'll only ask if we were faithful."


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