Happy 21 my dear niece! I am very proud of you! You are truly a good girl with good common
sense which is hard to find in this day and age. I still remember talking to my mom when you were born. I was working as a Social Worker for a hospital and nursing home in Martins Ferry,
Ohio. I was feeling lonely so I called mom and she told me about your birth. She was so excited! She would be so proud of you Jennifer just like your grandma Tiedt is.
My prayer as usual is that you will grow in the personal knowledge of our Lord's love for you. You are so special to him. He loves you with an unconditional love and only wants what is best for you. Does that mean life is always easy? No! But knowing that our Lord is with us can make anything bearable. You probably won't read this until tomorrow so I hope you had a good time time with your friends. Love Aunt Lisa