I"m tired...............this is what I wrote on Larry's blog in response to what Patti had posted which is below: What a wonderful day it was! Being prayed over by Irvin, hearing about the Shroud of Turin by Alex.......all that he knows is amazing! Meeting Fr.Link and going to confession and coming out feeling like a NEW PERSON! Having personal time with Fr.Link and being with believers! Our Lady of America is so renewing my faith and love for Jesus. I have been concerned about Purity for our society for such along time and Our Lady's message is so needed!Most of all I want to thank you Larry! You make everyone feel welcome from the moment they meet you. You have made it so obvious that Sylvan Springs belongs to Our Lady of America and not you! Thanks for the wonderful presentation that you gave on Saturday and for your Faithfulness to Our Lord, Our Lady and His Church.


Brenda said…
you will have to showcase my photo on your next post, let me know if you need it again
Anonymous said…
I would like to see your photos, the one of the balcony looks like it has some pink in it, can you post them?
Lisa said…
I think it does have pink it it......where would you like me to post them.......Yes Brenda I'llhave to put yours on.
Brendda said…
you can replace rachels open house with them, thanks
your sister said…
still waiting for those photos!

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