We had a very nice day in Rome City Ind. The Priest who has the gift of healing came all the way from California to be there with us. We had Mass and my brother in-law Chuck and my
nephew, Jimmy sang for the Mass. Father's sermon was very good! He talked about the power
of the sacrament of marriage and of remaining faithful in sickness and in health. Our spouse could be suffering in many ways. He was saying that because of the grace of the sacrament our prayers for each other are very powerful. It was very encouraging.
He then prayed for healing for each one of us. The moment he touched me I could feel the power of the Holy Spirit. He asked the Lord to hear the prayers of my heart and prayed for any anxiety I may feeling and I then rested in the Holy Spirit. Just a deep sense of peace came over me as I was just resting in the Spirit (see explanation below).
Several of us purchased framed prints from Ferdinand Roccanti for only $30. He gave us a deal because itis the Christmas Season. He had never painted in his life but the Holy Spirit paints through him. The print I bought is about how much our Lord loves his mother. He said it took him 6 months to paint. He also signed them for us. Before he gave his testimony his lovely wife gave each of us a medal that was blessed by Mary in Medjrgorge.
I love going there especially when my nieces and nephews go. I love the fact that they are surrounded by other believers and here about the Faith and our Lady. I was especially blessed on this visit because my husband, Charlie joined us:)

Resting in the Spirit:

Often, in the Catholic Charismatic meetings occurs another gift that is called "Resting in the Spirit" or "Slaying in the Spirit"… St. Therese of Avila used to call it "Flying in the Spirit", and she had it many times as we read in her life.

It consists in the fact that someone falls while being praying for him or her. The first time I attended a Charismatic meeting was to give a talk about the Eucharist. A friend of mine told me at the end of the talk that now we were going to pray for people laying hands on them asking God to help them to understand well and live the glorious reality of the Eucharist. I had no problem with that, because I have spend much of life praying for people, except that I had never laid on hands to pray for anybody. So, I laid my hands on a seven feet man, and I was going to say: "Holy Spirit, help this man to understand and live the most glorious realty of the Eucharist"… but I only had time to say, "Holy", because immediately he fall back with all his seven feet long, and hit the floor hard with his head… I thought he would had been hurt. My friend told me, "don't worry", he is resting in the Spirit. But I am a Medical Doctor, and I stayed with him until I was sure he had no problem with his head… and I even called him the next day and the next week, and he was all right.

I the last 30 years may be thousands of men and women have had this Resting in the Spirit while I prayed laying hands on them. However, since that first one, I always pray for them placing may left hand on the back of their heads, just in case the fall!, or I make sure that someone is on their backs to catch them if they fall, I don't want to practice medicine in the religious meetings, and forgive my Lord, for my little faith!.

I had also asked many what did they feel while Resting in the Spirit, and often they tell me what St. Therese describes in her Life, when they had never read anything of St. Therese: They tell me they were like in a paradise, flying in he air, full of joy and peace, living like a thousand years in a minute, conscious in their mind, but always a glorious unforgettable experience… other start to cry deeply, because they are like living the horrible experience of their sins… others felt like someone pulled their hurt leg for 20 years, and end up without any pain at all, or their asthma disappeared, or their chest pain, or their bleeding stopped suddenly, and it never returned after having had this problem of bleeding for years…

I also had it!: The first time, on the feast day of the Transfiguration at Mount Tabor: And the one who prayed for me was a humble woman who was attending a Charismatic meeting for her first time… and I fall on my face: My first thought was, my glasses!… but the inexplicable joy and a sense of weightlessness made me forget the glasses immediately… however, when my Resting was finished, the first thing I did was to look at my glasses, and they were all right, praise the Lord!.

This Resting in the Spirit occurs in the Bible: Daniel had it often, almost in each one of his revelations, laying like death even for days… and the champion of it in the Bible is Prophet Ezekiel, who was falling again and again whenever he saw the glory of God. In the Book of Songs of Songs of Solomon, the loved one, you soul and mine, faints with love, and she has to be sustained with the raisins of love and refreshed with the joy and care of apples of the loved one (Song 2:5).


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