Hi Friends and Family!
There have been so many prayers, acts of kindness, and words of encouragement that I feel overwhelmed with God's love pouring through all of you! Thank you, thank you, thank you!
As most of you know, Annette spent a week in the hospital where she dealt with pain and digestive issues due to cancer. Once confidence was in place that Annette could manage the pain and digestive issues at home, she returned just in time to attend the amazing fundraiser that took place Nov. 14th. Around 600 people came to love and support the Guilds! This event was truly a celebration of life! Although the scans show how things are getting worse, and Annette is feeling shifting of bones and new areas of discomfort, her spirit is focused on the important things, her relationships with all of you. Amidst all of the scary changes taking place in her body, she continues to spend time with people, treasuring every moment and making sure that she witnesses about God's love for them. She values every moment with each person. There was a never ending line of people at the fundraiser, waiting to spend precious moments with her. The line began shortly after 5 and didn't end til 9:30 or 10:00. Annette managed to keep visiting, taking her time with each person, slipping in bites of her meal and drinking her supplements in between. She was so lifted by the whole experience that she didn't want to leave! She outlasted everyone!
Four days later Paul's relatives came up to visit from Florida. His parents, two sisters, a brother and two nieces enjoyed sharing old stories as well as making new memories. More love, more hearts being moved and more sharing of how much God loves us all. Because I have moved in to help the Guilds right now, I am blest with being a part of all that happens in their home. The generosity of people is sometimes overwhelming. Sometimes I feel so blest that I could just burst! If my husband were not so supportive in allowing me to spend this time here, I would not be able to tend to Annette's daily needs and to share this journey with the Guilds as I am. Not every husband would be so generous! (Thanks again, Bill!)
So what's it like to have a saint for a sister you ask? I am honored, humbled, and inspired to be the best person I can be. I see how God is using Annette's willingness to offer things up and her love for others to reach so many people. You may ask why God would allow such a beautiful soul to go through so much, but Annette would not want anyone to be angry with God. Annette's immune system never bounced back properly from her first round of cancer, and her doctor told her months ago that it is really all of the supplements that she's taking that's keeping her going. What I do know is that Annette is experiencing God holding her hand through the whole thing. She is experiencing his love for her, far deeper than she has ever experienced him before. Where we are weak, He is strong, (if you let Him be that is), and Annette is definitely letting God be strong! I also know that God is using the situation to move and even change the hearts of many. People are being so affected by her and are opening their hearts up to God in ways they never have before. When Annette realizes the amazing things that God is doing, her heart just soars! The other night we were reflecting on God's incredible wonders of that day and Annette was so excited that she even said, "I'm having the time of my life!"
Is she concerned when she notices bones shifting and new pains popping up? Yes. Is it easy to get out of bed when you're feeling crappy? No. Yet somehow Annette is able to offer it up for all of you, and continues to love life and wants to soak up every minute of it. So she gets up slowly and carefully, then starts thanking God, and a new day begins. If she knows that God has touched your heart today, then her heart is touched also. Has God touched your heart today?
Forever grateful,