I took this story from the Our Lady The Immaculate Virgin blog. This family was there last
Saturday as well and as you read their story you will see how our Lady touched them.

The following letter and photos were sent to us by a woman named Jenny telling us of her family experience at the November 28 Day of Prayer and Healing:

My husband and I have 4 children with our youngest being diagnosed with Autism when he was 2 years old. Born a healthy, typical developing baby, Cooper began regressing between 18 & 24 months and lost all eye contact, functional play skills and the little language that he had. He began to journey into a world of his own as we began many therapies to try to help him. This communication disorder of my son’s has effected our entire family on so many different levels…..we decided to make the venture to Rome City for some much needed spiritual, mental, physical and emotional renewing. We were anticipating healing on all sorts of levels, and knew we would walk away with the strength we needed.

While at Rome City, we met an amazingly peaceful man named Irv who prayed over our son and reassured us that we were on the right spiritual path. He was kind enough to give us 3 Triple Novena Medals…one for me, one for my husband and one for my son. I have since then ordered the Triple Novena Prayer book and anticipate it arriving soon so I can begin praying along with our medals. We continue to have much hope that we will be given the wisdom by God to continue doing all that we can to foster growth in our child as well balancing life for our other 3 daughters. Once non-verbal and unable to respond to his name, our son is growing into a pleasant little personality and can express his wants and needs in 5-6 word sentences. We hope the progress continues to happen and that we receive renewed strength to give him the best quality of life possible. It was the best decision to start our Advent season with this positive experience.

We thank you for the opportunity to visit such a spiritual facility. My oldest daughter Madison was excited to take all of our photos into her religion class the very next day and spoke to her classmates about our experience there. In Thanksgiving for all blessings received that day, we will continue to spread the good word! We are forever grateful to have brought both of our parents along that day as well. Their support and guidance has been instrumental in raising a child with special needs. May they be blessed many times over for all they have done throughout the years to support our family and help us as we find our way through this journey called Autism. We look forward to future visits ~

Christmas Blessings ~

Scott, Jenny, Maddy, Kenzie, Josie & Cooper


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