I would like to with my niece Catherine a happy 17th Birthday! When you are
this young it’s still ok to tell a women’s’ age! As a matter of fact it’s a badge
of honor!

Catherine as your Aunt I am very proud of you! You are a wonderful niece,
daughter, friend and sister to those around you. You are smart and very wise
for your young age. I wish I would have had the wisdom you possess when I was
17! It would have saved me a lot of heart ache. Your treasure is the Lord
and the Catholic Church!

The Lord has blessed you with much beginning with your parents. But
whom much has been given much is expected! But already you give back
through your prolife work! As your Aunt it will be fun to watch and see the women you will become and how you will be a witness to our Lord! I love you
Catherine! Aunt Lisa

P.S Knowing you are so good at grammar I write this in trepidation:)


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