I would like to wish my Niece, Rahcel a Happy 19th Birthday! You are a very nice young lady and I'm

very proud of you! You have not caused your parents a day of heart ache........of wait you did hit a dear
didn't you????? Well that's minor:)

You are responbile and fun! It's so nice that when Charlie and I go on vaction that we can trust you to move in and take care of the animals. Believe me Charlie would not trust just anyone! You have a good head on your shoulders and maturity that a lot of young women to not have at your age.

You have had alot of changes this past year!  Graduating from high shcool haveing your first job and going
to college and you have done all this with grace!

May you conitune to grow in the knowledge of our Lords special love for you! It's only in knowing and loving Him that our hearts will find true inner peace. It's a life long journey! Thanks for being such a good
niece. I love you Rachel! P.S I couldn't do a collage of pictures because it's not working:(


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