Today is the 20th anniversary of my mom's passing from this world to go home to our heavenly Father.  It's hard to believe we have gone that long without seeing her enfecious smile.  The older I get the more I am in
awe of her!

She taught me what real love is.  It's not a feeling it's a decision.  Thank you mom for showing us your children what love it.  Thank you for raising us in the faith.  Thank you for teaching us to reach out to the
needy.  You were always doing little acts of kindness for others.

You would be so proud of your grandchildren!  They are all being raised in the faith that you passed down to us.  We are always telling them stories of you.  Here are some of the miracles that happened when you were
sick.  Linda took the time to put this together:

On April 13th it will be twenty years since my mother Jean Burns’ death from a brain tumor. She was 55 years old when she died. Of course, we prayed for a physical healing, but it was not to be. There were, however, many "little miracles”. A couple of weeks ago my two sisters and I shared one of these miracle stories. After talking with each other, we realized that we had shared the same story on the same day. We took this as a sign that perhaps we should write these miracles down and share them. So of course, I thought of

My mother was given 1 to 3 months to live without treatment and 12-18 months with treatment. She chose to do the treatment. She was given radiation. During two of the treatments, my mom felt an invisible hand on her shoulder. With each treatment she would pray that the treatment would heal her, but she would also tell the Lord that she knew He was the true healer. My sister asked her why she didn’t share this with more people, and she said it was because she didn’t feel worthy of the experience.

The second miracle occurred when Fr. Michael Scanlan came to visit my mom. My sister Lisa and I were members of the Covenant Community in Steubenville, OH at the time, and he had a meeting near our hometown. Fr. Michael was only given the name of the street on which we lived. He made it to our house, but when asked how he knew which house it was, he replied, "I just picked the house with the car that had the religious bumper stickers on it." My sister Lisa responded that our car didn't have any bumper stickers on it. Father was determined to prove her wrong. They went outside and to his amazement there were no bumper stickers on the car. He said, "I know there were bumper stickers on it, and one said ‘pray the rosary’. "

Another little miracle occurred when my mother was visited by St. Joseph. At this point, she could no longer walk and was confined to her bed. She said, "There is that pest.” And we said, "What pest?" She responded, "St. Joseph!" It sounded like he had been hanging around for a while. She pointed up to the corner of the ceiling. We asked her what he looked like, and she said he had a long white beard. We asked her what he wanted, and she said, "He has come to tell us that Mary is praying for us."

The next little miracle occurred when my mother was in a coma. She was in a coma for about 8 months. My sister Lisa was the only one home, besides my mom. She played Mother Angelica's rosary and divine mercy tape for my mother. When the tape stopped, my sister didn't turn it over and start it again because she wanted to pray in the next room. So my sister was shocked to hear the tape play a few minutes later. The only one in the room was mom, who was in a coma. The tape had been physically turned over and the recorder had been started.

The biggest of all miracles was that my mother suffered all day Holy Thursday and she went to be with the Lord on Good Friday.

Why did this all occur? Could it be because my mother grew up in a parish named after St. Joseph and then moved to a new town where the parish was named after St. Joseph? Could it be because she said the rosary daily? Could it be because she was devoted to the Divine Mercy? Or could it be because she was a simple woman of faith who cared for her mentally ill husband and four children, and trusted the Lord?

Thanks for letting me share.
Linda Biewer


Jamie said…
This brought tears to my eyes and as always made me miss her and the others in our family that passed all too soon. I do miss my God mother but I know she is up there cheering us on and praying for us.
Anonymous said…
Great stories. she is definately missed. It seems you may be missing a story. I thought I heard one about how she was wearing some "medals" when she was in a coma, but one day they couldn't be found through some extensive searching, but then later on they reappeared. Or, something to that effect. Can you clarify or verify?!

Matt H.
Anonymous said…
Great stories. she is definately missed. It seems you may be missing a story. I thought I heard one about how she was wearing some "medals" when she was in a coma, but one day they couldn't be found through some extensive searching, but then later on they reappeared. Or, something to that effect. Can you clarify or verify?!

Matt H.
Lisa said…
Yes Matt you are correct! They were pinned to her gown and they must have been taken when they changed her gown? Anyway she was quite upset...........and the next morning they were back! You have a good memory!

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