I would like to take this opportunity to thank my mom again for her FAITHFULNESS!  When she walked down the isle in 1956 she had no idea all the heart ache she would endure.  My father  struggled all his life with mental illness. 

Even now when I think back it's hard to believe all that my mom had to endure.  I am not blaming my father.  I loved my father very much and the example came from my mom.  She would always say:
He's a person!  She respected the dignity of his person hood in spite of the way he treated her and all the heartache he caused her because of his mental illness.

Why am I thinking of my mom today?  Because she died on Good Friday 1990.  She suffered that Holy Thursday as her lungs were filling up and found it hard to breath.  She suffered on Good Friday until the Lord took her home at 7pm that evening.  We here family were all at her bedside. 

Just before she began her journey to spend eternity with our Lord she opened her eyes and had a single tear coming down her face.  She had been in a coma for months so it was significant that she opened her eyes.  I know she was sad about leaving us and yes leaving her husband.
She so worried about my dad until her dying day.  I remember her being in the hospital and hearing the phone ringing and asked; "is that Tom?"

She poured out her life like our Lord.  Her life was a living sacrifice!  She wasn't worried about her happiness!  If she had she would have never stayed with my father who caused her so much heart ache.  She once said to me; "God dealt me a hand and I played it."  This was in reference to cards because she loved playing cards!

My mom's faithfulness mattered and so does ours!  Last night my niece Katie went to Holy Thursday services with me.  I am so impressed with her deep spirituality for a sixteen year old as I am with the faithfulness of all of my nieces and nephews.  We talked about my mom and what an honor it was that the Lord took her home on Good Friday. 

I see the fruit of my mom's faithfulness in the lives of her grand children.  She would be so proud of all of them.  Of course they are not perfect we all have our issues because of original sin but at this point they are all good kids and good young adults.  I truly believe that we her children and grandchildren are reaping the benefits of her faithfulness.  We can not out give God!

It is not always easy and often very hard to follow our Lord.  Look at the lives of the early followers and the Saints and even  the persecution Christians face in other parts of the world.  In America our values are constantly under attack!  Abortion, traditional marriage, couples shacking up, birth control. All these these things have become accepted or as for marriage challenged.

Mom once again thank you for your faithfulness!  Thank you for pouring out your life for us and for your husband!  You have been gone from us for twenty one years now, but I know you are always with us in Spirit.  You told me you would be and my Christian faith teaches me this!

As I've said before you were not one to preach the Gospel that was not who you were but you did the much harder thing you lived it!  You taught us what Real love is!  Thank you and I miss you!  So looking forward to seeing both you and dad in the next life!  Happy Easter!


Lisa said…
Francisca Osuji May her soul continue to rest in peace
Friday at 9:44am · LikeUnlike.Lisa Burns Wieber Thank you Francisca!
Friday at 9:46am · LikeUnlike.Rose Hambleton DEAR Lisa. What a beautiful tribute to your mom and dad. Both were dealt a difficult hand but they did a great job by example to all of us. I miss my family that are gone and my best friend. I had the best childhood because of all of them. Very many special memories. Happy Easter to all and looking forward to uniting with all in our next life!
Friday at 9:51am · LikeUnlike.Lisa Burns Wieber Thanks Aunt were so good to your brother....I love my dad! He was my "hands on Jesus!"
Friday at 10:10am ·
Anonymous said…
Brenda Burns DeLiso Thanks for paying tribute to our beautiful MOTHER :)
Friday at 10:45am · LikeUnlike.Lisa Burns Wieber Your welcome!
Friday at 10:58am · LikeUnlike.Ken Randolph May God Bless their souls
Friday at 12:10pm · LikeUnlike.Mary Eddie Purvis i know you'll never forget her. thoughts are with you
Friday at 12:26pm · LikeUnlike.Craig Salisbury I miss your mom too and everyone else in our family that has died. I had a dream about grandma a couple of weeks ago.
Friday at 12:35pm · LikeUnlike.Genine Martinez Telepak Thinking of you today Lisa and Linda.
Friday at 1:59pm · LikeUnlike.Michelle Wilson-Renaud Thinking of u!
Friday at 5:33pm · LikeUnlike.Lisa Burns Wieber Thank you........Genine, Mary, Ken and Michelle you have all lost your moms as well............thank the Lord time does heal but the memories stay in our hearts! Craig what did you dream about her? I have in the past had dreams about the two of them..........and I think they were telling me not to forget them and to ask them to intercede.

April 24, 2011 8:08 PM

Lisa said...
James C. LaPrath I celebrate her presence in the life of her great children, and know she, and your Dad, still look upon you in love and blessing in the heavenly court. May this day be more sweet in the knowledge of that tremendous love, and less bitter in the abscence of her physical presence. I miss my Mom too, she was a great Mom.
Friday at 7:51pm · LikeUnlike.Lisa Burns Wieber Thanks for sharing are so right..........and it is no longer bitter.....I mostly share because of her faithfulness and what she taught me and conintues to teach me..........She is now the blessed be in the throne room of our Lord ! I only wish her back so that her 14 nieces and nephews could enjoy her in this life..........:)
Yesterday at 10:33am · LikeUnlike.James C. LaPrath Amen to that! We are blessed by their faithfulness and love. I wish my Mom could see my son now, she would be proud to give him a big hug and tell him how proud she is of him. But, from the throne room of heaven she is doing that in utter joy and freedom. What blessing that is!
Yesterday at 11:58am · UnlikeLike · 1 personYou like this..

April 24, 2011 8:10 PM

Lisa said...
Jane Shea Noble A beautiful tribute, Lisa. Your mom was such an inspiration. I only met her once, but loved her. And I remember that her dying on Good Friday was only due to your family insisting on not "hurrying her death" earlier like was suggested. God bless and Happy Easter!
21 hours ago · LikeUnlike.Lisa Burns Wieber You are correct! Some hospices don't hydrate of feed their patients. My mom would have died at least 6 months earlier or longer had we not put a feeding tube in. We just wanted the basics for her which is food and was such an honor our Lord taking her home on Good Friday! John Paull II had a feeding tube as well.
8 hours ago · LikeUnlike.

April 24, 2011 8:11 PM

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