I want to scream don't you get it!  We are loosing our religious liberties..........We are being mocked and attacked by the current administration and their friends the media.  I have been trying to give up politics because I find it so upsetting and at times it robs me of my inner peace.  I must admit something has changed within me I don't get AS upset.  I'm not saying what's happening isn't upsetting but I alone have no power to change anything. 

However, we as Catholics and our fellow Christian brothers and sisters can make a difference.  It's been so heart warming to see my men and women of other faith's defending us and speaking up.  Thank you from the bottom of my heart!

This is not about birth control.  As a Catholic and having looked at what birth control has done to our society I so support and embrace the teaching. What is going on is a power grab!  This is taking the least popular church teaching and trying to use it to flex their muscles and undermine the Catholic Church. 

God has told me he wants me to be a women of the heart.  What does that mean?  Though I have many ideas I'm still figuring it out and asking our Lady to show me.  He has all as told me he wants to give me a voice..........not sure yet what that means either.  For now I'm going to blog more. 

I don't like writing because English is like a second language to me.  I have no sense of proper grammer or how to spell..........oh well !  Fr. Barron does such a nice job explaining what is going on.   Thank you Fr.Barron!


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