I went to read and jump into my sister's pool when I got to hot.  Well the Kelly and John decided to join me.  I told them to go ahead and I would watch them.  This was not good enough for John.  He told me he needed to spend special time with me.  Now I ask you how could I not say OK!

They like talking about God and spiritual things with me. They feel that my house is very special becaue they know that there mom was raised there and there grandpa Tom (whom they have never met).  They only know stories that we have shared of their grandparents.

John asked did "my man live there?" I told him yes his man had lived there.  You see when he was very little he use to have a man that would visit him and play with him.  The man wore a hat. He would always tell his mom when  this man visited.  Then one day he was looking through a photo album with his mom and saw a picture of my grandpa, Larry Burns and was excited because that was the man that visited him.  Though my grandpa doesen't visit him anymore he still has vivid memories.

John also told me the time he saw four angels.  He said one was black so that he would not be prejidice and he said he's not and the three others were women with wings and white dresses.  Then he went on to tell me that he had a dream where a man drove him to Bethlehem and he saw Jesus after he was born............from the mouth of babes!

Kelly went on to tell me about a novena she did to St.Therese and got a rose on the ninth day through a picture her teacher, Dorella Hunter-Page had bought for the classroom.  Then she shared how her older sister, Katie had done a nine day novena to St.Therese and recieved a rose on the last day!  So
John piped up and said he wanted a copy of the novena.  These kids are only almost 8 and 10 years old!

We all were born with a desire within us to want God.........it's up to adults to nurture that faith.  Jesus said: "Jesus said it would be better to tie a millstone around your neck and drown yourself in the sea than to lead one of his little ones astray."

I am blessed though God did not give me children I have 14 nieces and nephews and 6 of them are my Godchildren.............


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