I will look forward to seeing my Danny Boy in heaven:) I got Danny just a month before my dad died. He would be 14 years old this month. Danny was always so independent! He was going to be an inside only cat but he would not here of it! He wanted to be outside and there was no keeping him in! Believe me I tried!
He wore a collar for awhile but soon got tired of that as well and would work and work until he got it off. It the picture above you see him with my dying Bridgett. They never slept together but he decided to jump up and sleep with Bridgett. As they say cats have an instinct for death. We put Bridgett down the next day because she was in so some much pain.
Just these past three years Danny became very clingy and wanted to always be on someone's lap. On weekends he would take naps with me and I loved snuggling with him. He would also try to sneak in bed with us at night:)
In the morning I would always find Danny on the stool in the kitchen waiting for us to get up. He would especially be waiting for Charlie so he could get some of Charlie's breakfast. At dinner time he was always at the table even hitting us if we didn't give him any meat.
He was my friend.........though he was naughty and peed on Baby Jesus in my Olive Wood nativity set I loved him. I know if I could forgive so could our Lord!