I am so blessed that my siblings live in the same town and that all my nieces and nephews could celebrate Christmas together.  Thank you Rhonda  and Kevin(my wonderful sister in law) for hosting  the Christmas Eve party.  Our tradition has always been that the Burns' get together Christmas Eve.

It has always been magical for me........when we were younger we would sometimes go to our cousin's house (the Schneider's) and to go upstairs and wait with them for Santa Clause to come..........then we would go over to my grandma and grandpa Burns' to celebrate with them.

Santa usually came in the morning and it was always such along night for me..........I was so filled with anticipation and excitement I could hardly sleep.............I remember going to the foot of the stairs and listening for Santa Clause........the night never ended!

I love being generous with my nieces and nephews............I love creating special memories with them......memories they will always hold in their hearts........just like the memories I hold in my heart. It's so fun so see there excitement when they are young...........we can learn from them.  Jesus said we must be like little children to enter into the Kingdom little children and learn from them..............God delights in them and so should we! Charlie surprised Dominic and gave him his coin collection.......Dominic was so happy and pleased with it!

My sister Brenda and her husband Chris hosted Christmas day...........a wonderful turkey dinner and my Charlie made the ham.  He is such a good husband!  My mom's cousin, Mary Louise who is 91 celebrated with us........she has so many wonderful stories about my mom's family.

God is Good.........He loves each of us so much.........I'm reading The Other Side by Michael H. Brown friend Nancy Walker suggested is yourself a favor and get the book.  This world is so passing and we are on a short journey here........this place called earth.  We will upon death transition into the next life............I am so looking forward to it...........I am ready to be with my Lord and Savior and my friends and family who have already transitioned.

Merry Christmas!


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